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Local Pharmacy enables shoppers to refill their containers


Acorn Pharmacy in Berkhamsted are now stocking eco friendly personal care products in bulk to enable you to fill up your own container.  They have a loyalty card for re-fills and are super helpful.


Amongst the the products in their range are

  • shower gel

  • soap

  • washing up liquid etc


Clean Earth Pantry

is a great way to shop plastic free and without unnecessary packaging.


They sell unpackaged and plastic-free whole foods, liquid refills and sustainable and reusable household products, and you can buy as much or as little as you want. They believe in consuming only what we need, and offer reusable and sustainable to single-use plastic packaging.


Find them at Berkhamsted Saturday Market on the first Saturday of every month.


see their website at   

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Tesco launches trial to remove selections of plastic wrapper fruit and vegetables


Britains biggest retailer said it aims to remove plastic packaging from 45 foods where loose alternatives are available. The items include apples, onion, mushrooms, pepper, bananas and avocados 


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